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Michelle Rodriguez

Certified Consultant

(512) 644-4212

My Story

I want to introduce myself, my name is Michelle Rodriguez. 

I signed up as a Scentsy Consultant on September 19, 2016, I am excited that I started this new journey with Scentsy.  I am from Kyle, Tx.  I have been married for 26 years, I have 3 children and one granddaughter.  I have traveled many places with my husband being in the Army now retired. 

Before I signed up with Scentsy, I wasn't even a customer.  I just happened to be at a Dr.'s appointment with my children and saw a Scentsy book with all the magazines in the waiting room.  I took the book home with me and started marking everything I wanted.  As I was marking everything, I turned to my husband and said, "you know instead of buying all this how about I try and sell it and earn the benefits."  To my surprise it was one of the best things that I have done.  I love the Scentsy products!

It gives me great pleasure to see others when they get their orders handed to them.  They just fall in love with the scents and warmers.  I would have never thought I would be selling something like this, but here I am selling Scentsy and loving it!

I can't wait for you to make your first purchase, reorder what you have ran out of or even become a consultant like myself.  Trust me you will love everything about Scentsy and more!

Thank you for stopping and looking at my website.  HAPPY SHOPPING!

Call, text, or email me @ 512-644-4212 or


Michelle Rodriguez

Lead Consultant



What's warming in my home